Thursday, May 27, 2010

Game Design Brainstorm

The game that I am making is a Role playing adventure game. My game is based on one of my favorite books Sabriel. In this game, Sabriel (the main character) sets out on a journey to the Old Kingdom to find her father.

(Old Kingdom is a place that is not like the modern world. It's very old fashioned and there is also...magic. Or more specifically Charter Magic, and Free Magic. Charter magic is controlled and legal magic, while Free magic is something that is supposed to be banned.)

Sabriel's father is the current Abhorsen, which is someone who can travel into the boundary of Life and Death, who's life's mission is to send back creatures and spirits that escape Death, with the help of his 7 magic bells.

When Sabriel leaves Ancelstierre to go to the Old Kingdom, she decides to go to the Abhorsen's House, where she finds Mogget, a free magic creature who is bound by Saraneth, the sixth bell, also known as the Binder. From there the leave to the castle. Along the way they fight creature, travel into Death, rescue a 200 year old prince, and figure out a way to save Sabriel's father from an ancient dead creature, that wants to destroy the whole Kingdom.

So the challenges of the game, is going to be rescuing the father, fighting dead monsters, dealing with Mogget's sense of humour (jk.), and restoring the Old Kingdom, ans saving everyone.

The game will be taken place in a land of monsters, that resemble an ancient city.

There are quite a few different characters in this game. The main character, Sabriel will be there of cource. Then there is Mogget, the spelll bound white cat. There's Touchstone, the 200 year old prince, that doesn't look a day over 20. And Sabriel's father, the Abhorsen. There will also be Kerrigor who is the ancient monster, one of the greater dead; and there are also the minor deads, like Dead Hands and stuff.

Question 1: The Game will be called Sabriel. In the beginning Sabriel will find out that her father is missing and that she has decided to go to the Old Kingdom to go and find him. The middle will be where she meets Mogget at the Abhorsen's House, and finds out the real story and has happened to her father, and who has captured him. The end will be where they bind Kerrigor in Ancelstierre. The player will have to find places, and fight monsters and use their mind and stuff. I don't know if there will be any puzzles involved at this point. To win the game, the player will have to successfully bind Kerrigor.

Question 2: The main character will be called Sabriel (I don't know her last name). She is human and the Abhorsen-in-waiting. She has dark hair, and an average build. Wears a blue surcoat, with silver keys on it. She moves by walking. She can use Charter magic, travel into Death, and because she is necromancer she can use the 7 bells, that she gets in the Abhorsen's house.

Question 3:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Pros and Cons of Video/Computer Games


Video games can be very beneficial because it gives the player the chance to view things from a different percpective, experience things that they can't in real life and just have fun. There are also many educational video games that help students in school so that they can receive better grades. Other games are just for entertainment. I personally think that games can make a player's brain function more actively and make them a bit smarter.


Video games are basically just another drug, because they are addicting as drugs. It can be really hard to stop video games when you get out of hand. Video games are supposed to be for fun but when your entire world revolves around video games then there is a problem. A virtual life is never the same as the real thing and it is important that the player lives their life more in reality than in a virtual. Moreover it's not the most healthiest activity to do and horrible for your eyes. There is to be a limit for video games so it is important to know your limits.

Rosie the Robot

Guess who just came from the future. Rosie the Robot, from The Jetsons.

Looks like she landed in a house, where they don't know how to put on wallpaper properly (my house). =)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bloons Review

Bloons is an awesome game that's very addicting, because who hasn't wanted to pop numerous balloons without the sound effects. While playing Bloons you are a monkey who is trying to pop a set number of ballons with a few darts (they change each level). This game is based on the simple fact that popping balloons is fun.

The game is easy to master the controls because all you're using is your mouse. But that doesn't nessecarily mean that the game is entirely easy. The balloons are placed in places which are harder to hit, as you advance levels. They are hard to hit because there are little walls, that make you think, and maybe even use a little physics, but you don't know that while your playing, because your to busy yelling at the monkey, when you lose. I really like the fact that you can't really lose. You might fail, but you start again from that place, and you don't have an amount of lives, or retries or anything like that. So this makes it perfect for little kids who don't like to start over.

The graphics are pretty good in this game, considering it isn't that big of a game. One thing for sure, is that it is colorful. You can have music and sound playing in the background, but honestly I just find that very annoying and distracting.

There are also ice balloons, exploding balloons, tack balloons and boomerangs are only just a few of the wide range of items available. My personal favorite, the Pac-Man balloon, summons the mighty Pac-Man himself and places him under your control for a brief, sweet moment! (I have only summoned him once, but then I accidently shut down my computer and after that, i have never got to that).

With 50 unique levels to unlock, Bloons will keep you busy for a very long time, if you let it. I would rate this game a 9/10 just because I find it sort of repetitive after a while. I know alot of people would disagree with what I just said, because all the levels are different, but I just find that concept really repetitive.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What is a computer game??

A computer game is an entertainment source where you can release your anger and have fun. It is usually a program, and lots of people think it's very complicated to make. There can be games out there to challenge you, like sudoku, or just games to talk to your friends while playing with them, like Worlds of Warcraft.

A good game is a game that is very original, and basically fun. High scores are always fun, because who doesn't their name in the top 10? An interesting plot or story is a major part of the game because without that, there is no game. Also there should be a challenge. Without any challenge alot of people will not enjoy it. Some people who like unchallenging games will love it, but how many people are out there that like that.

A bad game, is something that a majority of people don't enjoy. That doesn't mean that some other people might like it. Like I hate World of Warcraft and think it's a bad game, but my friend loves it. Anyway something that makes a bad game....bad is a cliche plot or story. Also if the game is boring or too easy with no challenge at all. Also if the game has alot of bugs or lags alot it doesn't make for a good game.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Golden Sword

This golden sword has just been pulled out of the magic rock, which only allows a true hero who is the most powerful in the whole kingdom. This time around a girl has pulled it out, and now all the men are doing the housework.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook" Article

I know that Facebook that is pretty bad for us, but I don't think I would quit. I know that anyone can access what we put on Facebook, and that everything will always be there. But here's the thing, I'm smart enough to know that I shouldn't be putting pictures that I don't want anyone to see because they might be embarrassing. That's why I always think, "do I really want a future employer seeing this" and then I post the picture, or comment.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blender Hand

Ok, so I was feeling bored at home, so I decided to make my hand at home.

Anyway, the straw hand looked really weird to me, so I made that one, and I also made an actual human looking. Well this human has really good skin with no lines or anything on their hands but, it's still a hand.
So here's my weird straw hand:
And here's my awsomely robotic human hand:


Today I have successfully finished my Snowman tutorial, which only took days. Well at least I actually finished it, and it was pretty fun too.

Here it is:

Friday, April 16, 2010

Documentary about Internet Addiction

A few years back, I used to be very addicted to playing online games, and although I wasn't that crazed to spend all day on the computer, I did spend a hefty amount. The one game that had me booked for about two years was MapleStory. The only reason I was able to quit it was because my mom went on it to see what it's all about, and ended up crashing the game, so we were never able to download it again. Or that's her story. I still think she did it on purpose. I am grateful that she did it, because if I look back I know my addiction would be way worse, if I had kept playing.

In the video, I found it interesting that South Korea had the most addicted gamers. I had always thought it would be Chinese or Japanese people, but if they aren't, they are probably right behind the Koreans.

I think Internet addiction are very bad. I still go on the computer, but I make sure not to play games, because that's my weak spot. I know if I get addicted to another game, I won't be able to stop till my mom pulls the cord again.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Intro to Operating Systems

1. What is an operating system and what is its purpose?

An operating system (OS) is the first thing loaded onto the computer, without the operating system, a computer is useless.

2. What operating system do most computers come preloaded with?

PCs come pre-loaded with Microsoft Windows, and Macintosh computers come pre-loaded with Mac OS X.

3. Besides personal computers, what other devices have operating systems?

Electronic devices such as cell phones

4. Do all computers have operating systems? Explain

Not all computers have operating systems. The computer that controls the microwave oven for example, doesn't need an operating system.

5. What are the three most common operating systems? Are there other operating systems? Explain.

The three most common operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and UNIX. Yes there are other operating systems, but these are the most common.

6. What is one reason why operating systems are coded rather than physical circuits?

The reason operating systems are made out of portable code rather than permanent physical circuits is so that they can be changed or modified without having to scrap the whole device.

7. What are the two main functions of an operating system?

1-It manages the hardware and software resources of the system. And 2-It provides a stable, consistent way for applications to deal with the hardware without having to know all the details of the hardware

8. What are the four types of operating systems?

There are Real-time operating system (RTOS) which is used to control machinery, scientific instruments and industrial systems; single-user, single task which is designed to manage the computer so that one user can effectively do one thing at a time; single-user, multi-tasking which lets a single user have several programs in operation at the same time; and multi-user which allows many different users to take advantage of the computer's resources simultaneously.

9. What are the first actions the computer takes when you power it on?

When you turn on the power to a computer, the first program that runs is usually a set of instructions kept in the computer's read-only memory (ROM). This code examines the system hardware to make sure everything is functioning properly.

10. What is the bootstrap loader? What is its function?

The bootstrap loader is a small program that has a single function: It loads the operating system into memory and allows it to begin operation. In the most basic form, the bootstrap loader sets up the small driver programs that interface with and control the various hardware subsystems of the computer.

11. How does the OS manage the processor?

The OS manages the processor by ensuring that each process and application receives enough of the processor's time to function properly and using as many processor cycles as possible for real work.

12. What does an operating system do when two processes are multi-tasking?
When two processes are multi-tasking, the operating system allots a certain number of CPU execution cycles to one program.
After that number of cycles, the operating system makes copies of all the registers, stacks and queues used by the processes, and notes the point at which the process paused in its execution. It then loads all the registers, stacks and queues used by the second process and allows it a certain number of CPU cycles. When those are complete, it makes copies of all the registers, stacks and queues used by the second program, and loads the first program.

13. What is thrashing?

When you try to have to many processes functioning at the same time, this can cause problems. The operating system itself requires some CPU cycles to perform the saving and swapping of all the registers, queues and stacks of the application processes. If enough processes are started, and if the operating system hasn't been carefully designed, the system can begin to use the vast majority of its available CPU cycles to swap between processes rather than run processes. This is called thrashing.

14. What is virtual memory management?

A processor can only access memory one location at a time, so the vast majority of RAM is unused at any moment. Since disk space is cheap compared to RAM, then moving information in RAM to hard disk can greatly expand RAM space at no cost. This is Virtual Memory Management.

15. What is a driver?

Drivers are translates between electrical signals of the hardware subsystems and the high-level programming languages of the OS and application programs. So basically drivers take data that the operating system has defined as a file and translate them into streams of bits placed in specific locations on storage devices, or a series of laser pulses in a printer.

16. How can input/output capabilities of a system be enhanced?

Managing input and output is largely a matter of managing queues and buffers, special storage facilities that take a stream of bits from a device, perhaps a keyboard or a serial port, hold those bits, and release them to the CPU at a rate with which the CPU can cope

17. How do application program interfaces make it easier for programmers?
It is similar to the way the user interface facilitates interaction between humans and computers. You can actually see what's happening on the screen in front of you.

18. What is a UI and GUI?
User Interface is the system by which people interact with a machine. The user interface includes hardware (physical) and software (logical) components.
Graphical User Interface is where the user clicks on a visual screen that has icons, windows and menus, by using a pointing device, such as a mouse.

19. Why is Linux being open source significant?
The primary difference between Linux and many other popular contemporary operating systems is that the Linux kernel and other components are free and open source software.

20. What are some other devices that run on Linux?
AppleTV,Browser,GameCube,Dreamcast, Ipod, etc

21. What are 3 things you found interesting about operating systems that you did not know
I learned that operating systems are found in so many different devices such as my Ipod. operating systems are also didn't know that every computer had an operating system. i also learned that microwaves have a computer that doesn't have an operating system.

22. What is a question that you still have about operating systems?
How long does it take for a driver to translate the electrical signals to the operating systems language?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Setting Up a Network

Assignment 1


Full Name - Local Area Network
What is it - a network confined to a small area. generally limited to a home or an area.
Examples - laptop, gaming device, PC, etc.


Full Name - Wide Area Network
What is it - a network that has a wider span than a local area network
Examples - Corporations, governments, school districts, etc.

Assignment 2


a.)Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cable

Maximum length: 100 Metres

b.) Coaxial Cable

Maximum length: 1000ft for standard broadcast & 300ft for HD

c.) Fiber Optic Cable

Maximum Length: approx. 2000 metres


  • Router: a router is a networking device whose software and hardware are specially customized to forward information.

  • Bridge: a device that filters data traffic at a network boundary

  • Switch: used in a wired network to connect Ethernet cables from a number od devices together



How does it work? any distributed network architecture composed of participants that make a portion of their resources

Advantages:there is no single point of failure in the system

Disadvantages: as more clients join the system, less resources are available to serve each client


How does it work? a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or work loads between service providers (servers) and service requesters, called clients.

Advantages: All data is stored on the servers, which generally have far greater security controls than most clients

Disadvantages: Cost; if server is down, can't access; if a critical server fail, clients’ requests cannot be fulfilled

Friday, April 9, 2010

Computer Build Challenge and Magazine Cover

Today I finished my computer build challenge at school. I found it quite easy after making the first one.

I also finished my magazine, which I didn't get to finish before because I went to Pakistan. Well I finished it now and now I will post it

The links that I used are
Tricks. (Text) Available. April 09, 2010.
Rules. (Text) Available. April 09, 2010.
Barcode. (Online Image) Available. April 09, 2010.
Logo. (Online Image) Available. April 09, 2010.

***Although I used only four links, these four sites are all the sites that I used, so their may be more than one thing taken from a site.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Computer Build Design Challenge

A few days ago (I think), we started a computer design challenge. We have to search on the Internet, and find parts of computers to build a computer for a specific person. The three people we have to find the parts for are a receptionist, a marketing designer, and a product tester. Today i finished making the marketing designer's computer, and all i have to say is, I DON'T LIKE THIS. I'm not trying to be a poor sport, but this is sort of boring. I liked what we were doing before. Something more hands-on, not this researching stuff, cause this is researching to me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Type within Type

This is my Type within Type project. All the words that form the letter L are words that describe me. Obviously I can't use every single word that describes me, but this is pretty close. =)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Today I finished my CD cover (see below), and have started my Type within Type project. This one seems pretty easy, because the letter I am choosing is very easy (L) and not something hard like the letter S. I still have the magazine cover left to do after this project so that seems a bit harder than this one, although I really really want to finish these before spring break. Let's hope that maybe I do.

CD Cover

INTRODUCING..... The Bittersweet Kittens!!!

The hottest debuting girl-band that is sure to win a Grammy in 2011!!

Want to listen to their single, Opal Diamonds, that made them big, then buy their debut CD*:

Also available on iTunes.


Kitten. (Online Image) Available. March 3, 2010.

Rose. (Online Image) Available. March 3, 2010.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Visual Balance

I did the grid part of the Visual Balance Project. I made an Olympics Magazine type of thing, where Joannie Rochette is shown on the cover. I felt like I should choose her or Sydney Crosby, but I like Joannie better. =)

Here are the images that I used for this project:

Olympics Logo. (Online Image) Available. March 1, 2010.

Joannie Rochette Olympics. (Online Image) Available. March 1, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Negative Space

Negative space is something that I have never been able to grasp. The concept is very simple, but my brain just doesn't seem to understand it.

Negative space [in art] is the space between objects or the parts of an object, for example the area between a cup and its handle. Also the space between an object and the edges of the canvas, i.e. the space around an object. (Actual definition from

The object itself is the positive space so the negative space is outer part, right?

Does that mean that the negative space is supposed to be a specific color, black or white?

These are the questions that make my head so confused. :S

However I did learn to focus on the negative space rather than the positive. This way it will make the image more focused and more balanced.

But don't you get the same image if you focused on the positive?

Apparently you don't. When we concentrate on the unfamiliar we forget to look at all these fine details that aren't as important the outline itself, or the way that the object is positioned, which makes the picture look way more realistic. But the best way for you to get really good pictures is to PRACTICE!!! =)

I learned that sometimes when we draw something, and it doesn't come out as it should, we try to make it better but that doesn't happen because we focus more on what we think it looks like, but not how it looks in reality.
And for that we should concentrate more on the stuff that shouldn't be there instead of the stuff that should.

When you're designing a website, it's much better to put a lot of negative space into the site then to crowd it and hurt your readers' eyes.

When you are making a logo, it is so much more easier and less expensive to put a bunch of negative space into it. That way it will look prefessional, refined, and not as if a five year old made it with crayons.

In print design, negative space is more commonly known as "white space." Although it is called white space, it doesn't have to be literally white. It can be aby color you want, but you have to leave it empty. Complete and utterly empty.

OMG! I think some of this has finally sunk into my brain. I sorta get it now. =D

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Picture Restoration

Ok, so I put something into the the final picture that wasn't in the original. BIRDS. I put two birds - I dont know which type - flying into the sunset. I also changed the sunset, too, to make it more natural.



Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Restoring Picture Project Thingie

Today I finished my picture thingie (see pics below), then i found out that I have to add something into the picture to make it unique. So now I am stuck thinking "wow this is hard, wow this is hard." Let's pray I finish.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Restoring Black and White Images

We have been learning to use Macromedia Fireworks for some time now, and so we did a project to restore a black and white portrait or landscape to color. As you can see, I chose landscape.

Here is my original image:

And here is my restored image:

Personally I still like the black and white version better.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Color Theory Activity/Project

Today we started our color theory project. Basically all we do is pick a black and white picture and then color it using Micromedia Fireworks. We have to make six different color combination and so far I'm on my second one.

I know for sure that i will not finish it by tomorrow. :)

Color Theory Activity


Split Complementary



Monochromatic Colors

Complementary Colors

Analogous Colors

Peter Piper Palette Picker

Here is my design from the site:

I chose this design because I really liked the way it looked on the screen. I started out with the pinkish purple, because that's where my eyes went to first, and then I just went from there.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Color Theory Questions

What is the difference between shade and tint?
Shade is a hue produced by the addition of black, and tint is a hue produced by the addition of white.

What is the colour system used for printing?
The CMYK color system is the color system used for printing.

How can you ensure proper colour rendering in print?
Working within the CMYK color system, or choosing colors from Pantone© palettes insures proper color rendering.

What are complementary colours? Give an example
The colors that are positioned opposite one another on the color wheel are complementary colors. Ex. Purple and Yellow

What are tertiary colours? Give an example
Tertiary colors are achieved by a mixture of primary and secondary hues. Ex. Yellow-green, red-purple, yellow-orange, blue-violet, red-orange and blue-green.

What is meant by a visually advancing colour?
Advancing hues are most often thought to have less visual weight than the receding hues.

What could cause vibrating boundaries to occur?
Vibrating Boundaries may occur when opposing colors are brought together.

How can you find a complementary colour without a colour wheel?
Without a color wheel, it is still possible to find the opposite of a color and this is due to a phenomenon of our eyes. Just use colors that you think are opposites. Due to the physiological differences between individuals, everyone's perceptions do vary.

What is an after image?
An after image is when you stare at something in color for a long time, then look away, and then look again and its in the opposite colors.

What is a monochromatic colour relationship?
Monochromatic Relationship are colors that are shade or tint variations of the same hue.

What is an analogous colour relationship?
Analogous Relationship are colors located right next to each other on a color wheel.

What is contrast?
When you make a color different from the others to make it stand out more.

What could cause simultaneous contrast to occur?
Simultaneous contrast may happen when opposing colors are placed in close proximity to each other.

Name and describe three of Itten’s Colour Contrasts
◘ The contrast of saturation - The contrast is formed by the juxtaposition of light and dark values and their relative saturation.
◘ The contrast of light and dark - The contrast is formed by the juxtaposition of light and dark values. This could be a monochromatic composition.
◘ The contrast of extension - Also known as the Contrast of Proportion. The contrast is formed by assigning proportional field sizes in relation to the visual weight of a color.

How do you determine the dominant colour?
The color with the largest proportional area is the dominant color (the ground).

How can you create an accent with colour?
Accent colors are those with a small relative area, but offer a contrast because of a variation in hue, intensity, or saturation.

What is the difference between contrast dominant and value dominant?
Contrast dominant is a contrast composition that uses a range of luminosity or brightness levels, while value dominance is a composition made up of a variety of tints, saturated hues, and shades.

What is one method of identifying possible options for colour schemes?
By varying the saturation and experimenting with shades and tints within the hue relationship, you can achieve quite a variety of palette options.

All information can be found on:

Janet Lynn Ford. Color Theory Overview. [Online] Available 1998-2009

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


As you can see, I have a header on my blog now :)
I feel so smart and accomlished, even though it was really easy. The only hard part was figuring out what type of images to put onto the header. Anyway I figured it out, somehow, and here are the links to the TWO images I used!!!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Presentation Presented. Finally =)

Today, in class, i presented my project. I was very nervous about doing this presentation, because i felt like i didn't do that much research compared to other people. Also there were a lot of great presentations before mine, and that just puts way more competition up, and make you rethink about your presentation. Whatever, I cant change anything now.

Anyway, i think i might check out a few of the sites that were presented today.
◘ TV Shack
◘ Google Desktop
◘ Urban Spoon

Google Desktop was very cool. I especially like the fact that you can be working on a project with like your other group members, and you can be working on the document at the same time, and the other person or persons will know what is happening.

I will also check out Urban Spoon, because I LOVE TO EAT. Ask any of my close friends, I am the pig of the group, so this is a site that i will definitely check out. :P

I will also check out TV Shack, because i am a big TV junkie so this is perfect for me. Also i watch a lot of shows that aren't shown in Canada so this way i don't have to search for the videos on YouTube and scream when i cant find what I'm looking for, because this site is more reliable than YouTube for TV issues.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Almost Done.

I am almost done my presentation. It's funny. Whenever there is a presentation coming up, and I have to present it in front of the class, i get really nervous. But this time I'm not. I guess, this time i actually know what I'm talking about. :)

I just have to put a few finishing touches, and then present it tomorrow.
I hope I pass.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My powerpoint

Is it just me or does making PowerPoint slides take forever to make. In all of today's class, all I have made are about 5-6 slides. They contain mostly visuals that I got off the Internet, so that's probably why it's so slow. Apparently, our Internet is shared by the Olympics, so that's why it's slow. I never knew that before.

I guess I might have to work on my project at home since we have a shortened block tomorrow.
God! I hate homework! :(

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Powerpoint Primer

Today we had a powerpoint breifing type of thing. Mostly it was all basic stuff, so I knew it. I did try to put one image over another, but it wasn't really working the way I wanted it to. All I saw was the background of one image over top of the other one, so you couldn't see what was really happening.

I hope to find out how to do this properly. Soon.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Wikipedia and its competitors

I never knew that Wikipedia had any competitors. But today, as I was researching about wiki for my project, I learned that wikipedia has two major competitors.

◘ Veropedia
◘ Scholarpedia

Veropedia's been under construction for about the last year, but scholarpedia looks like a exact copy of wikipedia. This is because it uses the same program. Other than that, it's pretty different on the same level. If that made any sense at all.


Oh. And I sorta trust wikipedia now!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Web 2.0

Today I picked my website for my web 2.0 project. I chose because everyone uses it, no matter how unrelyable it is.

I learned that there are more than 11 million registered users in that can change the pages whenever they like.

I don't think I can really trust wikipedia anymore. :(