Monday, February 15, 2010

Presentation Presented. Finally =)

Today, in class, i presented my project. I was very nervous about doing this presentation, because i felt like i didn't do that much research compared to other people. Also there were a lot of great presentations before mine, and that just puts way more competition up, and make you rethink about your presentation. Whatever, I cant change anything now.

Anyway, i think i might check out a few of the sites that were presented today.
◘ TV Shack
◘ Google Desktop
◘ Urban Spoon

Google Desktop was very cool. I especially like the fact that you can be working on a project with like your other group members, and you can be working on the document at the same time, and the other person or persons will know what is happening.

I will also check out Urban Spoon, because I LOVE TO EAT. Ask any of my close friends, I am the pig of the group, so this is a site that i will definitely check out. :P

I will also check out TV Shack, because i am a big TV junkie so this is perfect for me. Also i watch a lot of shows that aren't shown in Canada so this way i don't have to search for the videos on YouTube and scream when i cant find what I'm looking for, because this site is more reliable than YouTube for TV issues.


  1. Great presentation today! I encourage you to check out Google Desktop. Google has a great thing going there. I used it all the way through university and still do today.
