Thursday, May 27, 2010

Game Design Brainstorm

The game that I am making is a Role playing adventure game. My game is based on one of my favorite books Sabriel. In this game, Sabriel (the main character) sets out on a journey to the Old Kingdom to find her father.

(Old Kingdom is a place that is not like the modern world. It's very old fashioned and there is also...magic. Or more specifically Charter Magic, and Free Magic. Charter magic is controlled and legal magic, while Free magic is something that is supposed to be banned.)

Sabriel's father is the current Abhorsen, which is someone who can travel into the boundary of Life and Death, who's life's mission is to send back creatures and spirits that escape Death, with the help of his 7 magic bells.

When Sabriel leaves Ancelstierre to go to the Old Kingdom, she decides to go to the Abhorsen's House, where she finds Mogget, a free magic creature who is bound by Saraneth, the sixth bell, also known as the Binder. From there the leave to the castle. Along the way they fight creature, travel into Death, rescue a 200 year old prince, and figure out a way to save Sabriel's father from an ancient dead creature, that wants to destroy the whole Kingdom.

So the challenges of the game, is going to be rescuing the father, fighting dead monsters, dealing with Mogget's sense of humour (jk.), and restoring the Old Kingdom, ans saving everyone.

The game will be taken place in a land of monsters, that resemble an ancient city.

There are quite a few different characters in this game. The main character, Sabriel will be there of cource. Then there is Mogget, the spelll bound white cat. There's Touchstone, the 200 year old prince, that doesn't look a day over 20. And Sabriel's father, the Abhorsen. There will also be Kerrigor who is the ancient monster, one of the greater dead; and there are also the minor deads, like Dead Hands and stuff.

Question 1: The Game will be called Sabriel. In the beginning Sabriel will find out that her father is missing and that she has decided to go to the Old Kingdom to go and find him. The middle will be where she meets Mogget at the Abhorsen's House, and finds out the real story and has happened to her father, and who has captured him. The end will be where they bind Kerrigor in Ancelstierre. The player will have to find places, and fight monsters and use their mind and stuff. I don't know if there will be any puzzles involved at this point. To win the game, the player will have to successfully bind Kerrigor.

Question 2: The main character will be called Sabriel (I don't know her last name). She is human and the Abhorsen-in-waiting. She has dark hair, and an average build. Wears a blue surcoat, with silver keys on it. She moves by walking. She can use Charter magic, travel into Death, and because she is necromancer she can use the 7 bells, that she gets in the Abhorsen's house.

Question 3:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Pros and Cons of Video/Computer Games


Video games can be very beneficial because it gives the player the chance to view things from a different percpective, experience things that they can't in real life and just have fun. There are also many educational video games that help students in school so that they can receive better grades. Other games are just for entertainment. I personally think that games can make a player's brain function more actively and make them a bit smarter.


Video games are basically just another drug, because they are addicting as drugs. It can be really hard to stop video games when you get out of hand. Video games are supposed to be for fun but when your entire world revolves around video games then there is a problem. A virtual life is never the same as the real thing and it is important that the player lives their life more in reality than in a virtual. Moreover it's not the most healthiest activity to do and horrible for your eyes. There is to be a limit for video games so it is important to know your limits.

Rosie the Robot

Guess who just came from the future. Rosie the Robot, from The Jetsons.

Looks like she landed in a house, where they don't know how to put on wallpaper properly (my house). =)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bloons Review

Bloons is an awesome game that's very addicting, because who hasn't wanted to pop numerous balloons without the sound effects. While playing Bloons you are a monkey who is trying to pop a set number of ballons with a few darts (they change each level). This game is based on the simple fact that popping balloons is fun.

The game is easy to master the controls because all you're using is your mouse. But that doesn't nessecarily mean that the game is entirely easy. The balloons are placed in places which are harder to hit, as you advance levels. They are hard to hit because there are little walls, that make you think, and maybe even use a little physics, but you don't know that while your playing, because your to busy yelling at the monkey, when you lose. I really like the fact that you can't really lose. You might fail, but you start again from that place, and you don't have an amount of lives, or retries or anything like that. So this makes it perfect for little kids who don't like to start over.

The graphics are pretty good in this game, considering it isn't that big of a game. One thing for sure, is that it is colorful. You can have music and sound playing in the background, but honestly I just find that very annoying and distracting.

There are also ice balloons, exploding balloons, tack balloons and boomerangs are only just a few of the wide range of items available. My personal favorite, the Pac-Man balloon, summons the mighty Pac-Man himself and places him under your control for a brief, sweet moment! (I have only summoned him once, but then I accidently shut down my computer and after that, i have never got to that).

With 50 unique levels to unlock, Bloons will keep you busy for a very long time, if you let it. I would rate this game a 9/10 just because I find it sort of repetitive after a while. I know alot of people would disagree with what I just said, because all the levels are different, but I just find that concept really repetitive.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What is a computer game??

A computer game is an entertainment source where you can release your anger and have fun. It is usually a program, and lots of people think it's very complicated to make. There can be games out there to challenge you, like sudoku, or just games to talk to your friends while playing with them, like Worlds of Warcraft.

A good game is a game that is very original, and basically fun. High scores are always fun, because who doesn't their name in the top 10? An interesting plot or story is a major part of the game because without that, there is no game. Also there should be a challenge. Without any challenge alot of people will not enjoy it. Some people who like unchallenging games will love it, but how many people are out there that like that.

A bad game, is something that a majority of people don't enjoy. That doesn't mean that some other people might like it. Like I hate World of Warcraft and think it's a bad game, but my friend loves it. Anyway something that makes a bad game....bad is a cliche plot or story. Also if the game is boring or too easy with no challenge at all. Also if the game has alot of bugs or lags alot it doesn't make for a good game.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Golden Sword

This golden sword has just been pulled out of the magic rock, which only allows a true hero who is the most powerful in the whole kingdom. This time around a girl has pulled it out, and now all the men are doing the housework.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook" Article

I know that Facebook that is pretty bad for us, but I don't think I would quit. I know that anyone can access what we put on Facebook, and that everything will always be there. But here's the thing, I'm smart enough to know that I shouldn't be putting pictures that I don't want anyone to see because they might be embarrassing. That's why I always think, "do I really want a future employer seeing this" and then I post the picture, or comment.